Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Day 4 - Prince Edward Island National Park

Today's plan was to drive from Fundy National Park to Prince Edward Island National Park.

As I was driving through New Brunswick, I saw a sign for Hopewell Rocks. When I had arrived in New Brunswick on day 2 of my trip, I had stopped in a tourist information center just before I arrived in St. John. I had told the gentleman a little about my plans and he had made a comment that I would be near Hopewell Rocks. I didn't think much of it at the time, but since I was now here, and I was in no particular hurry, I decided to go check it out. Ultimately, this is a short walkway along the Bay of Funding, with some interesting rock formations. Based on the tides, you can walk out to the rocks, but I had arrived after low tide, so I wasn't able to walk out to the rocks. It was still a nice little diversion from the drive to Prince Edward Island.

I arrived at the Confederation Bridge, which led from New Brunswick to Prince Edward Island. I hadn't really paid any attention to this prior to my trip, but now that I saw the bridge in front of me, I was amazed. The Confederation Bridge is about 8 miles long, and it's really impressive. The toll, which you pay only in the Prince Edward Island to New Brunswick direction is $47.75 Canadian!!!

Once I crossed the bridge, I had to drive across the island to the North shore, which is where the national park is located. Prince Edward Island (PEI) is a very agricultural province, along with fishing. Have you ever been to the store and walked past the fish counter to see mussels labeled PEI mussels ... well, apparently, PEI has a very large mussel industry!

Once I got to the park, I checked in at the registration desk and parked my car at my camp site. There was a walking/biking trail that essentially followed the road along this section of the North coast. The trail was mostly flat, and it was a beautiful day for a ride. I stopped briefly at Cavendish Beach, and even spent a few minutes in the waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. I then continued the ride to the end of the trail. It was about 10 km each way.

After the ride and a shower, I made dinner, did some reading, and then went to sleep. Tomorrow, I'll be leaving Prince Edward Island and heading to Nova Scotia.

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