Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Four Days to Go

With four days to go until we leave, we've hit our first speed bump. Fortunately, it's a minor one. The campground we were planning to stay at on our third night in Gothenburg, NE is closed due to flooding.

Fortunately, we've been able to book at another campground in North Platte, NE, which is just a little further West along Route 80. This will add about 30 minutes of driving on Tuesday, but will reduce Wednesday's drive by the same 30 minutes.

I hope that this will be the worst problem we'll encounter on our trip!!!

With less than four days to go, we're starting to ramp up our preparations. Tomorrow, we're going to "test load" the car to make sure that everything we need to take with us will fit in the car. On Friday, we'll do our food shopping, fill the propane tank and start packing the clothes and personal items we'll need.

Saturday will be "dry ice" day. We're going to take a small cooler with dry ice to be used as a freezer to keep meat and other items frozen. From what I've been told and read, we should be able to get about a week's worth of frozen food this way ... I guess we'll find out!

Josh and I are both getting pretty excited at this point. We finished our week at Boy Scout camp and we both had a really good time. We had PERFECT weather, which helped a lot, but it was nice to spend a week camping in preparation for our trip. Now we know we can do it!!!

That's about it for now ... counting down the days!!!


  1. Should be awesome! Are we going to see you before you guys take off?

  2. Planning to visit Dad early Saturday afternoon, probably between 12:00 and 3:00, other than that, probably won't have any other opportunity to see you.
