Saturday, August 8, 2015

Day 25 ... It's All Over

So, we've arrived at home, officially ending our 2015 Fantastic Voyage.

The final statistics ...

7874 miles driven ... 21 states visited ... 11 national parks visited.

It was a great trip, though in all honesty, I think both Josh & I enjoyed our prior trips more. The main reason for that was the places we visited on our prior trips were just more interesting than the places we visited this time.

The trailer made the trip a whole lot more comfortable, especially considering that we spent a lot of time in some very hot and humid places, and having the air conditioner, even though it leaked a few times, was really great. It was also so much easier to set up and break down our camp each time we had to move.

The only question that remains now is, what's next? We've now visited 48 of the 50 states, so we'll definitely be making a trip to Acadia National Park in Maine at some point in the near future so that we can tackle the final two states remaining for us, New Hampshire and Maine. After that ... we'll have to wait and see. A trans-Canada trip, covering all of the Canadian provinces has been mentioned, but that would be quite an under-taking. I'm guessing that at some point, that's something I'll do ... but Josh may not be on board for that one!

Signing off.

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