Friday, August 7, 2015

Day 24

Today we drove from just South of Louisville, KY to Streetsboro, OH. We arrived at our KOA campground late in the afternoon. This campground was the same one we stayed at on the first night of our original "Excellent Adventure" four years ago. We've come full circle.

When we arrived, as usual, we got the trailer set up, and because it was a bit earlier in the evening than our usual arrival times have been, we were able to play several games of ping pong. As had happened back in Carlsbad, NM, I had no trouble beating Josh.

We then moved on to a giant chess board they had. We've played quite a lot of games of chess over the past 23 days, and to Josh's dismay, he had not been able to beat me. Today, he was finally able to beat me, fair and square. He played a great game and I was really proud of him for sticking with it and continuing to play me, even though he hadn't had much success. He really did play a great game.

After that, we ate dinner, and then, so that I could regain some of my pride, we went back and played a few more games of ping pong, where I once again beat him without much difficulty. Then, it was back to the chess board. I took a different approach than I had in previous games and employed a "BlitzKrieg" strategy with my Queen, wiping out a huge number of his pieces. Once again, instead of getting frustrated and giving up, he continued to work at getting an advantage over me and he was successful. He beat me again, this time despite an enormous disadvantage in terms of pieces on the board. This was not my day!!!

We returned to our campsite and I lit a campfire for our final night. Josh was more interested in sitting in the trailer watching TV and playing with his iPad, but I sat out by the fire and read for quite a while.

Tomorrow, we'll head out for our final drive of this adventure. We have about a seven hour drive ahead of us to get home. While this trip hasn't been quite as great as our last one, I still had a good time and really enjoyed our time on the road. Back tomorrow night with a final post from our Fantastic Voyage.

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