Friday, June 5, 2015

The Adventure Continues

Once again, Josh and I are preparing to begin another cross-country odyssey. In about 6 weeks, we will begin our "Fantastic Voyage". This time round, we'll be traveling down through Appalachia, then across the deep South and finally into the dessert Southwest all the way to California ... and back!

Upon the completion of this trip, Josh and I will have been in 48 of the 50 United States! The only two remaining are (no ... not Alaska and Hawaii) New Hampshire (for Josh ... I've been there) and Maine.

There will be a lot of similarities between this trip and the last one we took two years ago. The numbers are almost identical ... We will be gone for 25 days (same as last trip), travel through 20 states (same as last trip), drive approximately 7200 miles (same as last trip) and visit 11 National Parks (only 8 last trip).

There will also be some differences! 

First, for this year's trip, we'll be using the pop-up camper that we bought last Fall. The hope is that the camper will make things a little easier, in terms of setting up camp and breaking down. I suspect that in reality, there won't be too much difference. The good news, is that the camper will definitely be more comfortable, and should we encounter bad weather, should provide greater protection.

Second, we're going to have some guests on this year's trip, well for part of it anyway. Patty and Rachel will be with us for four nights while we visit the Grand Canyon National Park. We're going to pick them up in Las Vegas, NV and then drop them off in Albuquerque, NM.

As I've done for our prior trips, I'll be following this post up with additional posts in the coming days that detail our itinerary. While we're on the trip, we plan to make daily posts to the blog, as long as we have internet connectivity!

I'm looking forward to another great trip!!!

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