Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Places I am most looking forward to.

My dad and I have been to many places and seen many things but I still am excited to see some of the places on this trip. Some of the places I am really excited for are: the return to Great Sand Dunes, visiting San Antonio, Grand Canyon and Carlsbad Caverns.

I am excited to return to Great Sand Dunes because when we were there the first time it was fun to hike through the sand but we didn't have a lot of time, but this time we will have a lot of time and be able to ride down the dunes potentially.

I am also excited to visit San Antonio. Since our family is full of history geeks visiting the Alamo and the other historic spots there is really exciting to me.

Grand Canyon is just one of those places that at some point you just have to visit. It has been on the agenda of my dad and I for a long time, but now with the addition of my mom and sister we are allowed to visit. My mom wouldn't let us visit it without her so now we can and I am pretty excited for it.

Lastly Carlsbad Caverns. This place just sounds cool let alone looks and is cool. I am excited to just descend down into the caves and look at all the cool stalagmites and stalactites that will be in there. However I am not so much looking forward to the climb back up.

There is still much planning to go through to go to all these places but those are just a few that I am looking forward to.

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