Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Night Before We Leave

So, it's Wednesday night ... Josh got home from the Boy Scouts National Jamboree about 2 hours ago. The car is loaded, except for the cooler and a few last minute items, and we're pretty much ready to go.

It's funny, but I just looked back at "the Night Before" post from our trip two years ago, and I said pretty much the same thing then. I guess the good news, is that trip turned out to be an amazing experience, and since this one seems to be getting off to a similar start, hopefully it will be great too.

I've got a few more things to do tonight, but soon, I'll be heading to bed to get a good night's sleep for our first drive. Josh is winding down and settling in after the excitement of 10 days at the Boy Scout National Jamboree, but he's going to go to bed soon as well. He's taken a hot shower, his first HOT shower in 10 days, and his laundry is done.

The next post should be coming from Perrysburg, Ohio.

Good Night All!

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