Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 1

Well ... Day 1 couldn't have gone any better. The ride was a piece of cake, and with the exception of the airborne office chair ... WHAT???? ... Yes ... the airborne office chair ...

So, we're driving along on I-80 in Pennsylvania, and I'm about 5 or 6 car lengths behind a pick-up truck. I notice an office chair in the bed of the pick-up, and I see that it's starting to move. I immediately slow down to put some distance between us and suddenly ... the chair goes airborne out of the bed of the pick-up. Fortunately, I was able to move to the right lane to avoid the chair as it bounced along the highway, several times, before it finally rolled off the highway and down an embankment. That was certainly exciting!

Anyway, the weather could not possibly be any better ... if you were to request weather for a camping trip, today would be it.

I've got some pictures of the car, as I know from two years ago, everyone wanted to see that. If you'll notice, it's MUCH better than last time ... nothing on the roof and I can actually see out the back window ... a little.

Anyway, we made to our first destination, just outside of Toledo, Ohio and made a dutch oven pizza for dinner. It was pretty good, though I didn't think to pre-heat the oven before putting the pizza in ... I won't make that mistake again!

After dinner, we just hung out for a little while, and now it's time to get to bed for a good night's rest. Tomorrow, our destination is central Wisconsin. Hopefully the day will go as well as today did!


  1. so I see 2 pieces of pizza with no pepperoni - and josh is eating one with pepperoni - so matt gets 2 slices - go josh

  2. Josh and Matt. Glad Josh enjoyed his time in West Virginia. It looks like you have a great trip planned. I really envy you going to the Olympic National Forest. It brought back great memories for me. My parents lived in that area after they retired for 27 years. A place called Ocean Shores. When I would visit we would go to Lake Quinault Lodge and have dinner on Lake Quinault in the Olympic National Park. Hard to believe there is a rain forest in the United States. Really a beautiful area and a great country. Have fun and really enjoy yourselves. Lem

  3. Thanks Lem ... We're in Bismarck, ND tonight ... it's an absolutely beautiful evening. We're really looking forward to getting to our "real" destinations. The Olympic Peninsula has long been on my list of places to go. The rainforest is definitely one of our planned destinations there.
