Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 2

So, as well as Day 1 went, day 2 ... didn't!!!

It started off this morning, when I realized that I hadn't packed a coffee cup, so I had to stop on the road to get coffee. Of course, just getting a silly cup of coffee took about 10 minutes.

Anyway, we continue along, taking our "detour" into Michigan so that Josh can now add Michigan to the list of states he's been in.

After returning to Indiana, we stopped at a Wal-Mart to pick up a couple of things, including a coffee cup for me, and then we stopped at a place to pick up a block of dry ice, which we're using to keep our frozen foods ... frozen. These stops had all been planned in advance. After filling the gas tank, we continued into Illinois and through Chicago ... that's when the trouble started!

First, we hit some pretty major traffic as we passed by the downtown area. Then, it started to rain a little. We had planned to make a stop for some deep-dish Chicago style pizza, so I called my friend Dominick and asked him to find us a good place to go. He called me back and suggested Lou Mahlnatti 's <sp> pizzeria. We found the place, but it took a while to get to on the local streets. We actually found a parking spot only to find out ... they're closed for vacation!!! Oh well ... so, we decided to get back on the highway and find lunch later on once we got further away from the city.

That's when the next problem hit ... I misread my own driving directions and merged onto the wrong highway ... technically, it was the right highway, but I was supposed to merge onto it when we got into Wisconsin, not Illinois. We stopped to figure out what to do and grabbed lunch at the same time. The route correction took us through some more local streets, so lots more time lost. At this point, the rain was really starting to come down too.

We got back on track, and I was starting to feel better when BAMMMM ... we hit a 40 MILE ... yes ... 40 MILE construction project. It was awful!!!

We finally made it to Wisconsin, after which there was one more major downpour, but then, at least the weather started to clear up. We hit lots of traffic in Wisconsin (who would have thought), but finally made it to our campground.

The whole day took just short of 12 hours in the car, including the stops ... It was supposed to be about 9 hours!!!

It's pretty cold here tonight ... it's supposed to go down into the low to mid 40's, but fortunately, we're prepared for it.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. 

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