Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 6

Today started out with a nice breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes and bacon, with coffee for me & hot chocolate for Josh. After breakfast, we headed into the park. We didn't really have any particular plan in mind for today, so we decided to stop at the Visitor's Center to see if they could make some recommendations for a mellow start to our visit here. Given that we're here for four days, we weren't too concerned about "getting it all done" in one day.

After speaking with one of the Rangers, we decided to drive up to Logan's Pass. It's the highest point on the Going To The Sun Road, which is the main road that cuts through the middle of the park, and the road that most visitors take. The weather was looking a little sketchy, and sure enough, when we reached Logan's Pass, it started to rain. The parking lot was full, and after quite a while of driving around trying to get a spot, we finally got lucky and were able to follow some people to their car and get their spot.

We went into the visitor's center there and spent a few minutes looking around. We weren't sure what we were going to do, when suddenly, the rain stopped, and the sun started to appear. So, we decided to take a hike to Hidden Lake. There were two options ... a three mile round trip and a six mile round trip. We decided to go for the three mile option. Along the way, we ran into this little one, and his/her parents. They were just walking along the trail with the rest of the tourists!

We got to the Hidden Lake overlook, and it was absolutely beautiful. The pictures simply cannot do it justice.

One the way back, we got some really nice views of the "Garden Wall". The hike I've been wanting to do, the Highline Trail, runs along the wall in the picture below. We may do that hike on Friday, but right now, we haven't decided for sure.

After the Hidden Lake hike, we drove to the West entrance to the park, and then turned around for the trip back to the East side. It started pouring, so we went back to the visitor's center at the Eastern entrance to the park. I spoke to one of the Rangers about a Ranger led hike tomorrow morning, and as of now, that's our plan. It's a 10 mile hike that should take about 6-7 hours. It will take us to see some of the few remaining glaciers in the park.

By the time we left the visitor's center, the rain had pretty much stopped. We went back to our campground and made a nice dinner of chicken parmigiana and spaghetti. After dinner, Josh kicked my butt in Risk. We're getting ready to go to sleep now, as tomorrow is going to be a long busy day.

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