Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Day 12 - The Trans Labrador Highway Day 2

Before I continue, there's one thing I should mention about Labrador that I had forgotten to mention previously. One of the things you'll read, if you read anything about Labrador, is that the black flies are a real problem. I can now tell you from first hand experience … it's true. In any wilderness areas, the moment you get out of the car, you are completely swarmed by these beasts!

Anyway, now onto today's drive. I'd be travelling from Happy Valley-Goose Bay to Labrador City, a distance of about 325 miles on paved roads. There would only be one town on the way, a place called Churchill Falls, which is the site of a major hydro-power plant. The drive time was expected to be about 7 hours.

After waking up and getting dressed, I made breakfast, filled the car with gas, and then headed on my way. Unfortunately, it rained from Happy Valley-Goose Bay all the way to Churchill Falls. When I arrived in Churchill Falls, I topped off the gas tank and continued to Labrador City. Fortunately, as I continued westward, the weather started to improve. The scenery here reminded me a lot of the scenery you see when you travel through interior Alaska. Lots of rolling hills, small lakes & ponds and some small mountains. Unfortunately, I didn't encounter any wildlife on this portion of my drive.

When I arrived in Labrador City, it was pretty early, so I found a local public library where I was able to recharge my laptop and access the internet for a while. After leaving the library, it was time to find a place to stay for the night. There was a Walmart that was part of a small shopping mall. Walmart allows RV's to park in their lots in most locations overnight, so I assumed that this would be a good place to “camp”.

From what I could tell, it seems that pretty much everyone in Labrador City works in the hydro-electric and/or mining industry. Virtually every vehicle you see is a pickup truck of one kind or another, and they all have amber lights and flags on them. There was a Tim Hortons donut shop in the mall, which had a drive through, and there was a line at the drive through the entire time I was there. I had also passed a McDonalds which also had a drive through, and there was a line there as well … they really seem to like their coffee here!!! I'm assuming that they must run multiple shifts, probably 24 hours a day, at the mines. The trucks were flying through the parking lot constantly … the level of activity was fascinating!

There was a restaurant in the mall, along the lines of an Applebee's, and I thought about going there for dinner, but ultimately, I decided to just stick with what I had brought along for the trip. At this point, I had gotten pretty organized with regard to cooking in the car, so I made dinner, and then read for a while before going to sleep.

Tomorrow's drive would be another long one, taking me from Labrador into the province of Quebec.

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