Tuesday, July 14, 2015

'Twas The Night Before ...

So the trailer is packed up and ready. Most of our other stuff is ready to go as well. I didn't want to open the trailer tonight or in the morning, so all of our clothes and "personal" items will travel in the car tomorrow. When we set up the trailer tomorrow night, we'll move all of that stuff into the trailer.

The only big task to complete now is to pack the cooler in the morning. I'm pretty concerned that I'm not going to be able to fit everything I want to take in the smaller cooler and I really don't want to take the big one. Maybe I'll be lucky and everything will fit after all. If not, I'm either going to have to leave some stuff behind, or I may take a second small cooler that I'll use just for the first few days, but that's really not something I want to do. We'll see what the morning brings.

Based on the weather reports, it seems like we may run into a few showers here and there along the way tomorrow. Hoping for the best. I'm still concerned about the leak we recently discovered in the trailer roof. When I washed it the other day, it didn't seem to leak at all, but under constant rain, that may not be the case. I had covered the bed where it was leaking with some plastic and a towel, so if it does leak, hopefully that will be sufficient to prevent any serious problems.

Not much to do now but head to bed and get a good night's sleep. The "Fantastic Voyage" begins tomorrow!!!

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