Monday, July 20, 2015

Day 6

Today we drove from Great Smoky Mountains National Park to Toomsuba, MS. The drive was about 425 miles long.

We weren't expecting to see or do anything along the way today ... it was simply a travel day, and that's pretty much how it turned out.

We left the park and then passed through Chatanooga, TN, the Northwest corner of Georgia and then clear across Alabama, passing right through Birmingham, and then finally into Mississippi. While we were in Alabama, we had to get gas and while we were doing that, we decided to get lunch at a Waffle House restaurant ... Josh was thrilled! Later on, we stopped at a WalMart for a couple of things, completing our Alabama experience.

We arrived at the campground in Mississippi and it was BLAZING hot. I was told by one of the workers at the campground that the heat index was 107!!! We got our trailer set up and then Josh went on the water slide they had at the campground. It was actually a pretty respectable slide ... unfortunately, I didn't think to bring my camera over with me so I didn't get any pictures.

We did some laundry and were able to take a shower for the first time in a few days ... it felt great!!!

Unfortunately, we discovered a little later on that our air conditioner is in fact leaking. It seems that condensation from the compressor is "falling back into the unit". This was NOT good news. Things have cooled off, and we're able to run the air conditioner in "fan mode", which is actually doing a decent job of moving the air around and keeping things reasonably comfortable. I'm not sure what we're going to do about the air conditioner. I'm sure we'll come up with something.

A short while ago, we discovered that we moved into the central time zone at some point during the day today ... wonder when that happened!!!

Tomorrow is another travel day, with a detour to New Orleans for lunch and dessert ... one Po' Boy and one Beignet please!!! From there, we continue on to Lafayette, LA which is a little bit West of Baton Rouge.

We'll be back tomorrow night with the day 7 report.


  1. Now you know heat and can laugh when NY NJ folks say 'it's really hot'. The folks up here have no idea of real humid Southern Heat. It's oppressive. Good Luck & Enjoy!

  2. The weather in Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana & San Antonio was brutal ... very hot and ridiculous humidity. I was sweating just standing still!!! Here in New Mexico, it's hotter than hot, but at least there isn't any humidity ... much more comfortable.

    After the handful of days I spent in the South, I have no confirmed for myself that I will NEVER live in the South!!!
