Friday, August 2, 2013

Day 9


Day 9 was all about rain. It started to rain in the middle of the night, and it never stopped!!!

We hung out in our tent for a little while this morning, trying to figure out what to do. The National Weather Service had posted flood advisory warnings for the Glacier National Park area starting in the late afternoon, so after some careful consideration, we decided that the wise thing to do would be to pack our stuff, and head on to our next stop, North Cascades National Park, with an interim stop along the way.

I found a campground in Spokane, WA, which was about mid-way from Glacier National Park to North Cascades National Park. Our original plan called for us to drive this entire distance in one day, which was anticipated to be 580 miles, with a travel time of 11 hours, so cutting it in half by stopping in Spokane wasn't an entirely unappealing plan.

We arrived in Spokane, WA at about 5:00 local time, having picked up an extra hour due to the time change. We stopped at a home depot to buy a new tarp, because our original one had gotten pretty well torn to pieces. After that, we found our campground and set up camp under a nice, heavy duty tarp to keep us dry. After that, we went to a supermarket to pick up a few things we needed, then came back to the campground and made dinner.

Tomorrow morning, we'll head to North Cascades National Park. I don't expect to have any cellular or other connectivity during our time there, so this is probably my last blog post until Monday, when we travel from North Cascades National Park to Olympic National Park, traveling through Seattle, WA along the way.

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