Friday, August 16, 2013

Day 23

It was a LONG day … We woke up bright and early, got our camp packed up, and hit the road to begin our 14 hour drive to Rawlins, WY.

The drive was mostly uneventful, other than the incredibly annoying construction zones (where there was no actual construction going on … just lane closures and speed reductions … not that that was annoying or anything).

Nevada is an interesting state … if it weren't for casino gambling, it seems pretty likely that there'd be absolutely NOTHING there … at least from the perspective of Interstate 80. There are essentially only four towns across the entire state, along the I-80 corridor … all 380+ miles of it. There's Reno on the Western border and a town called Wendover on the Eastern border. In between there were two other towns, both of which simply seemed to exist primarily to provide casinos to travelers and truckers.

After Nevada, we entered Utah, crossing the Bonneville Salt Flats. That was actually really interesting … it's amazing how flat and far across it is. Over 40 miles across following I-80! We then traveled through Salt Lake City and past the Park City ski resort area. After that, there really wasn't anything else until we crossed into Nebraska.

Nebraska didn't have very much to offer either! There was one decent sized town on the border with Utah, and not much else until we reached or destination of Rawlins, WY. We're spending the night in a hotel here, and we'll be leaving first thing in the morning to continue on to Princeton, Illinois.

Back tomorrow night with tomorrow's drive report!

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